Friday, June 15, 2007

"Speak the speech, I pray you,

. . . as I pronounced it to you, trippingly on the tongue; but if you mouth it, as many of your players do, I had as lief the town-crier spoke my lines." (Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, III.ii.1)

Ok, so I thought this topic would warrant a separate post from the one I just did a few minutes ago (that and I wanted to post 2 Shakespeare quotes today). Last night we made videos for our advocacy projects, and like my dear Hamlet, I was an exuberant amateur director. I realize that the actors (thank goodness they stepped up to do it!) probably thought I was Mr. Bossy Von Directorpants, but I was just trying to do my part, get it done well, and move on. I think the product worked out pretty well, and I must say that I'm pretty jazzed about making movies now, especially since Beth and I have borrowed her father's most excellent camera.
Want to know more about making movies and videos? Here's a cool site that I shared with my students before we made our Macbeth videos, it's all about a crucial element of making a good video--storyboarding. Check out the different sections, esp. the ones on Shot selection and the useful storyboard template that they offer.


Tracey said...

You were AWESOME, I dare say that Hollywood is really missing out. I really enjoyed creating, publishing, and editing--I look forward to Tuesday to polish it up. Have a great weekend...and get away from the screen......

Josh said...

You did awesome:) It was a great job! Thanks for inviting me in to participate with you all it was a fun experience.

Marc Smith said...

I look forward to seeing your work. I apologize for leaving you in the lurch. I am sure it is great.

Unknown said...

What a great site on storyboarding! All the work is done! When I was teaching, I did videos twice a year with my students and this site will be a great resource. Thanks for sharing!

Cheryl H